Project title: European Transport Network Alliance
Project Acronym: ETNA PLUS
Project Number: 314201
Starting date: 01.01.2013
Duration: 36 months
Call identifier: FP7-TPT-2012-RTD-1
Coordinator: Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea, Roma, Italy
Beneficiaries: 16 from 14 countries
No | Name | Short name | Country |
1 | Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europa | APRE | Italy |
2 | Europe Recherche Transport | ERT | France |
3 | Cliff Funnell Associates | CFA | United Kingdom |
4 | Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas | HELP FORWARD | Greece |
5 | Instytut Podstawowych Problemow Techniki Polskiej Akademii Nauk | IPPT PAN | Poland |
6 | Centro Para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial | CDTI | Spain |
7 | Autoritatea Nationala Pentru Cercetare Stiintifica | ANCS | Romania |
8 | Ministerie van Economosche Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie | AgNL | Netherlands |
9 | TUEV Rheinland Consulting GMBH | TUV | Germany |
10 | Zilinska Univerzita v Ziline | UNIZA | Slovakia |
11 | Sihtasutus Eesti Teadusagentuur | ETAG | Estonia |
12 | Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia | FCT | Portugal |
13 |
University of Newcastle upon Tyne | UNEW | United Kingdom |
14 | Panteia BV | PANTEIA | Netherlands |
15 | Applied Reserach and Communications Fund | ARC FUND | Bulgaria |
16 | Hrvatski Institut za Tehnologiju | HIT | Croatia |
The ETNA Plus will build upon the activities and knowledge acquired in the ongoing project ETNA with a new and wider approach reflecting the new political context and the priority given to Europe 2020 and to the Horizon 2020 objectives.
The overall objective of ETNA Plus is to foster innovation in trans-national cooperation in Transport with a focus on promoting the active participation of new actors and regions in EU reserach calls and projects.
ETNA Plus will also seek the active involvement of 56 Associated Partners (APs) nominated officially as Transport research NCPs. ETNA Plus will target transnational cooperation through different activities, following a two-fold approach; on one side, specific initiatives to raise awareness on the EU transport R&I landscape will be carried out, on the other side, efforts to improve the level of expertise on EU funding (e.g. Horizon 2020) will be undertaken both at NCP and researcher level.
Currently, potential appllicants looking for partners can keep using the partner search and profile templates, already developed in the frame of ETNA, available via the ETNA Plus website ( Filled in templates are then divided in different transport areas, according to the WP / call structure, and published on the website.
This webpage will offer a unique window for the promotion - at EU level - of partner search initiatives in H2020 "Smart, Green and Ingerated Transport´ calls for poposals.
In a near future, the partner search sevices accessbile via the ETNA Plus website will be widened and become three-fold:
- automated management of transport partner search requests, thanks to a close cooperation with IDEALIST (
- publication of profiles via the above mentioned ETNA Plus template
- search for partners based on their project track records, this giving applicant the chance to look for suitable partners without the submission of any specific request.